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about me

I used to think I didn't have a story - or, more accurately, that my story didn't matter. 


To everyone else, my life probably looked pretty perfect, and that's what I tried to be - everyone else's idea of what perfect means.  I told myself, other people have struggled more than I have, have tackled greater obstacles, have gone through more pain - who am I to talk about what I'm struggling with?  "It's not that big of a deal",  "I can handle it myself" & "I should be happy" were frequent mantras.  But for reasons I couldn't pinpoint, I wasn't.


Sound familiar?

My name is Abby, and I'm a Mastery certified intuitive life coach.  I'm also a daughter, sister, aunt, friend and recovering should-er.  For my whole life, I've been an avid observer of human behavior.  I received a B.A. in Social Anthropology from the University of Michigan, because I was fascinated by the society, culture, spirituality, and rituals that form the human experience - that form each of our stories.  If you found yourself here, I want you to know that your story is worth telling and honoring.  If you're ready to step into the you that you've always believed you could be, let's begin.


abby hambell

We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be?...Your playing small does not serve the world.


                  Marianne Williamson

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